LGBT Therapy

Despite important gains in acceptance, members of sexual minorities often experience prejudice, rejection and years of silence. Many did not come out or reveal their sexual orientation until after high school or college and lack the early developmental and relationship experiences of their heterosexual peers. These special stresses can be subtle and unconscious yet still have serious, negative effects.

My training includes helping patients overcome these issues and I specialize in same sex relationship dynamics, couples therapy and affirming one’s sexual orientation. I have extensive experience working with the LGBT community; I served on the Treatment and Data Committee of ACTUP New York, I have written articles on HIV issues for GMHC and I also completed my practicum at the Los Angeles Gay & Lesbian Center.

My approach with LGBT Therapy, which is primarily Cognitive Behavioral (CBT), has been proven effective in treating anxiety (excessive worrying, OCD, panic attacks), depression and relationship difficulties. It also provides opportunities for patients to learn coping strategies tailored to their individual concerns.

Both in my private practice and as a Lecturer at UCLA, I use the evidence-based nature of CBT to teach patients and students new ways of thinking. Expectations of rejection, deep-rooted feelings of insecurity and addictive self-destructive behaviors can be dramatically changed, allowing for achievement of personal goals and a more fulfilling life.

Philip Pierce, Ph.D., is a licensed clinical psychologist located in Los Angeles, specializing in LGBT issues and gay therapy.